Welcome Message

The department of veterinary Anatomy and Pathology comprises of an interdisciplinary, integrated and competent team of academic, technical and support staff who collaboratively utilize state-of-the-art concepts and experimental approaches to address basic research questions in veterinary and biomedical sciences.

The department teaches pre-clinical and clinical veterinary courses and non-veterinary courses to students undertaking biological sciences.  We also provide support services to other departments within the University in training undergraduate and postgraduate students. On top of regular programs, the department offers continuous professional development courses to in service employees in areas such as wildlife health, diagnostic veterinary services, veterinary public health and development of animal teaching models to lower level schools.

Our mission is to make sure that all students who pass through our department leave with this knowledge and practical skills. This has always been the top priorities in our department. Strategic planning and innovation would be imperative in ensuring that our department will continue to progress and maintain its exceptional standard. In a nutshell, investing and nurturing the talents of the staff holds the key to the department’s future.

On behalf of the department of veterinary Anatomy and Pathology, I invite you to explore our website. I am confident you will learn more about us and discover unique areas you may want to collaborate with us or opportunities for postgraduate training or postdoctoral research.