Congratulations Dr. Veneranda Philipo on the Accomplished Defense of Your MSc. Epidemiology!

The Department of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health is delighted to announce that Dr. Veneranda Philipo has successfully defended her MSc. dissertation titled “Epidemiology of Cerebral Coenurosis in Sheep and Goat in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania.”

Dr. Veneranda’s research fills a crucial gap in our understanding of cerebral coenurosis in small ruminants, examining its prevalence and the associated risk factors in the Mpwapwa District. Her work offers valuable insights into the epidemiological dynamics of Coenurus cerebralis in sheep and goats, providing essential information for veterinary management in pastoral communities.

The Department recognizes Dr. Veneranda Philipo’s exceptional contributions, significantly enhancing disease surveillance and control. Her research is anticipated to aid in formulating improved strategies for managing cerebral coenurosis in Tanzania.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Veneranda Philipo and wish her all the best in her future pursuits!

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