Dr. Isihaka J. Haji

Isihaka Haji graduated from the School of Veterinary Medicine at Shenyang Agricultural University, China in 2023. His doctoral thesis was on the ‘Epidemiology, genetic diversity and control practices of ticks and tick-borne pathogens in northern and central Tanzania.

Dr Haji has been working as a university educator since 2015, training undergraduate and postgraduate students in Parasitology (Protozoology, Entomology and helminthology). He has supervised several undergraduate students doing their special projects in epidemiology and population genetics of mostly protozoan parasites including those transmitted by tsetse flies, ticks and fleas.

 From 2010 to 2015 he worked as a Regional Veterinary officer and Regional veterinary inspector in Arusha Region, Tanzania where he was responsible for providing expert knowledge and guidance in all veterinary services in the region. These include diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases, prevention and control of livestock diseases and prevention against the cruelty of animals. Dr Haji was also a coordinator of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (ASDP) in Arusha region. The programme aimed to improve agricultural productivity by empowering farmers and livestock keepers. In addition, Dr Haji, actively and diligently contributed to the smooth running of various committees, task forces and other assignments associated with the office of Regional veterinary officer during the period he acted in that position.

Dr Haji is a holder of a PhD in veterinary Medicine from Shenyang Agricultural University, China; MSc in One Health Analytical Epidemiology from the University of Zambia in Zambia; Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.